Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yahoo! BOSS is easy — meet 4hoursearch

4HourSearch - A week ago Yahoo VP of Platforms Sam Pullara released Yuil, a search engine that looked nearly exactly like recently launched (and overhyped) Cuil, but powered by Yahoo’s BOSS.

The search engine actually managed to produce better results than Cuil by many accounts, but it was not to be - lawyers stepped in and Yuil was taken down only hours after it first went up. Pullara ripped the guts out of of Yuil and redid the layout to be less tempting to DMCA-hungry lawyers, leaving us with 4HourSearch (which was apparently created in 4 hours).

Yahoo Boss Is So Open, It Runs on Google’s App Engine
In a demonstration of just how open Yahoo search can be, one of its senior engineers has created a simple search mashup that combines Yahoo’s BOSS framework and Google’s App Engine. Yahoo BOSS allows developers to create their own customized search apps based on Yahoo’s search engine, and the Google App Engine is a platform for hosting apps. Vik Singh, the engineer who leads the Yahoo Boss project (and a former Google engineer) created a simple Question-Answering Service, where you put in a question, and it tries to come up with the answer based on the top 50 results from Yahoo. (So, if you ask, “Who invented the light bulb?,” it looks for the most popular dates in the top 50 results and returns: “Thomas Edison”).

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